Air Fryer Rolls

Air Fryer Rolls: the quick, light dinner roll recipe to make in the Air Fryer

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Are you looking for an easy dinner roll recipe that you can prepare quickly? There’s nowhere else to look! Compared to the traditional baked version, this recipe for Air Fryer Rolls is far quicker and tastes just as good. These fluffy, light, and soft dinner rolls from the air fryer are the ideal accompaniment to any main dish. They’re even great for brunch or breakfast!

You just need a few staple items to produce mouthwatering rolls for the dinner table: egg, sugar, yeast, milk, cooking oil, and all-purpose flour. In your Airfryer, combine the ingredients, let them rise, and bake. Who knew that making fluffy dinner rolls could be done so quickly?

How To Make Air Fryer Rolls

The dough needs to be prepared at least an hour before you want to serve the rolls, to allow for rising time. To make the dough, mix together the egg, sugar, yeast, and milk. Stir through the oil, before adding the flour and salt. Knead the ingredients together until the dough starts to form.

After putting the dough in a bowl that has been oiled, flip the dough over to ensure that the oil is covering all sides. Place a plastic cover over the bowl and let it rise for one hour, or until it doubles in size.

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Forming the rolls is now necessary. After slightly flattening the dough, divide it into three-ounce dough balls. After lining an Airfryer basket with oil, place the rolls inside and bake for 15 minutes at 160°C.

Recipe Card


  1. One Egg
  2. One 40-gram (3 tbsp) sugar
  3. SUGARS 7 g (1 1/2 tsp)
  4. Cooking oil 60 ml
  5. fresh milk 240 ml
  6. FLOUR ALL PURPOSES 500 g (4 cups)
  7. 3 g (1/2 tsp) SALT


Step 1:

Combine the egg, sugar, yeast, and milk in a sizable mixing basin and stir to combine.

Step 2:
Mix the oil thoroughly. Add the flour and salt, then knead the dough until it becomes smooth.

Step 3:
After putting the dough in a bowl that has been oiled, flip the dough over to ensure that the oil is covering all sides. Place a plastic cover over the bowl and let it rise for one hour, or until it doubles in size.

Step 4:

Pat the dough to flatten it slightly, then divide it into nine equally-sized parts (about 3 ounces per dough ball).

Step 5:

Spray the Air fryer basket with cooking oil spray. Arrange the dough balls in the basket.

Step 6:

Brush the dough with a beaten egg. Bake in the air fryer at 160°C for 15 minutes.

Step 7:

Take it out of the air fryer, let it to cool, then serve.

Have fun!


Use leftover rolls and make French toast in your Airfryer! Simply dip pieces of the rolls in an egg wash, then air fry at 380°F for about 10 minutes, making sure to turn half way.

See also  How to Make Scrapple In the Air Fryer