Best Sleeping Position for Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Best Sleeping Position for Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Heartburn and acid reflux may cause discomfort and interfere with sleep. According to research, the way you sleep might significantly affect how much of these symptoms you experience. Sleeping on your left side is an easy and efficient technique to ease pain since it may prevent stomach acids from re-entering the esophagus. The advantages of sleeping on your left side and how it may improve your quality of sleep will be covered in this tutorial.

Here is a “recipe” for making a cozy sleeping environment that helps reduce acid reflux, even if it isn’t a recipe for food:


An optional inclination wedge pillow

A cozy cushion

A cushioning mattress

A peaceful sleeping atmosphere with low lighting


Get your sleeping space ready: To assist the alignment of your neck and spine, make sure your bed is comfortable and has the appropriate mattress and pillow.

Sleep on your left side: As you go into bed, place yourself on your left side. By keeping gastric juices in your stomach, this posture lessens the chance of acid reflux.

Use an incline wedge (optional): To gently raise your upper body if you’re still uncomfortable, consider utilizing an incline wedge cushion. By doing this, you may lessen the chance of your stomach acids increasing while you sleep.

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