Don’t Throw Away Lemon Seeds

Don’t Throw Away Lemon Seeds! Here’s Why They’re So Valuable

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Most people concentrate on the juice and pulp of lemons when they juice them, however the seeds are just as beneficial as the juice and pulp! As an alternative to throwing them out, you can put them to good use in ways that may come as a surprise to you.

1. Grow Your Own Lemon Tree

Lemon seeds can be planted to grow a lemon tree right at home! Simply rinse the seeds, let them dry for a day, then plant them in a pot with moist soil. With patience, you’ll have a beautiful citrus plant in no time.

2. Natural Pectin for Homemade Jams

Lemon seeds contain pectin, a natural thickening agent used in jams and jellies. Instead of using artificial thickeners, soak the seeds in water for a few hours and use the gel-like liquid to thicken your preserves.

The antioxidants and natural oils in lemon seeds can be used for DIY skincare. Crush the seeds into a fine powder and mix them with honey or yogurt for a refreshing face mask. Some people also boil the seeds in water and use the infused liquid as a natural hair rinse.

4. A Natural Pest Repellent

Lemon seeds have mild insect-repelling properties. Scatter them in the garden or around plants to help keep pests away without chemicals.

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5. Make a Lemon Seed Infusion

Boiling lemon seeds in water releases their natural health-boosting compounds. This infusion can be used as a mild herbal drink or added to tea for an extra citrusy kick.

Concluding Remarks

When you juice a lemon in the future, be sure you don’t throw away the seeds! These small seeds have a lot of promise, and you can use them for a variety of things, such as making homemade jam, establishing a tree, or developing a natural beauty treatment. Make the most of your lemons by putting one of these suggestions into action.