Drink with Apple Cider Vinegar and Cinnamon

Drink with Apple Cider Vinegar and Cinnamon

Table of Contents


  1. Two cups of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar
  2. One teaspoon of ground cinnamon or two cinnamon sticks
  3. One spoonful of honey, if desired for sweetness
  4. One cup of water, to be diluted before serving
  5. One little piece of fresh ginger, if desired for warming


Pour the vinegar in:

  • Transfer the apple cider vinegar into a sanitized glass bottle or jar.
  • Put the ground cinnamon or cinnamon sticks straight into the vinegar. Stir to mix if using ground cinnamon.
  • A tiny piece of fresh ginger can be added if desired for an added burst of spice.
  • Put a lid on it and leave it alone:
  • Tightly close the bottle or container.
  • For three to five days, let it sit in a cool, dark area and shake it lightly once a day to combine. This will enable the vinegar to absorb the cinnamon.

Store after straining:

  • If you want a clear drink after the infusion period, filter the vinegar to get rid of the ginger and cinnamon.
  • To store the infused vinegar, pour it into a sanitized bottle.

Suggestion for serving:

  • Use a glass of water to dilute 1-2 tablespoons of the vinegar with cinnamon before drinking.
  • If you want a little sweetness, add honey to taste.

Advantages for Health:

This beverage may offer several advantages:

  • Cinnamon possesses anti-inflammatory and blood sugar-regulating qualities.
  • Apple cider vinegar is frequently commended for improving metabolism and facilitating digestion.
  • Use the vinegar that has been infused with cinnamon as a tasty addition to marinades or salad dressings.
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