for delicious robber roast

for delicious robber roast


garlic if desired
1 ½ kg pork (comb)
3 – 4 tbsp mustard
3 – 4 tbsp tomato ketchup
Salt, pepper and nutmeg
Onions if desired
Paprika powder
1 cup of water


1. First cut the pork neck from above at a distance of approx. 2 – 3 cm so that the individual slices are still connected to each other.
Then make a strong seasoning mixture of mustard, ketchup, salt, pepper, paprika and nutmeg and spread it into the gaps created.
2. Now place 1-2 onion slices and, if you like, garlic in each space. You are welcome to spread the remaining seasoning mixture onto the roast piece.
3. Now place in the roasting tube (or a closed pan) with 1 cup of water and cook in the oven at 220 degrees for about 2 hours.
Then let it crisp up for another 20 minutes without the frying tube or pan lid.
– This roast tastes very good with bread, but also with potatoes and vegetables. Ideal for parties as the roast stays warm for a long time in the oven and gets better with time.
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