How to Grow Store-Bought Blueberries into Plants

How to Grow Store-Bought Blueberries into Plants

Table of Contents

Method 1: Using Pulp to Extract Seeds

1. Pick big blueberries.

2. Slice the blueberries open and extract the pulp.
3. Provide a moist atmosphere so that seeds can grow.
4. Heavy seeds sink, so leave the container alone.
5. Rinse off the seeds and any leftover pulp.
6. Before planting, pat seeds dry on a paper napkin.

Method 2: Direct Seed Planting

1. Select well-composted soil and place it in a lidded container.
2. Evenly distribute seeds across the soil’s surface.
3. Cover to retain moisture in the soil.
4. For germination, place in a warm, well-lit environment.

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