How to Naturally Get Rid of Pests using Baking Soda

How to Naturally Get Rid of Pests using Baking Soda

A multipurpose and environmentally friendly way to get rid of pests like cockroaches, fleas, ants, moths, mice/rats, and spiders is to use baking soda. It is non-toxic, safe, and simple to use in the house. Here are some efficient methods for handling each kind of insect with baking soda:

1. Cockroaches
Why It Works: Baking soda successfully kills cockroaches by reacting with their stomach juices.

How to Use: Sprinkle the mixture in cockroach-infested areas or combine equal parts sugar and baking soda in a shallow dish.
They are drawn to the sugar, and the baking soda takes care of the rest.
Put the bait under appliances, under sinks, or close to crevices.

2. Fleas Why It Works: Fleas and their eggs are dehydrated by baking soda.
How to Use: Liberally sprinkle upholstery, carpets, and pet beds with baking soda.
Work it into the fibers with a hard brush and let it sit for a few hours or overnight.
To get rid of eggs, fleas, and baking soda residue, give it a thorough vacuum.
To effectively control fleas, repeat once a week.

3. Ants Why It Works: When consumed, baking soda disrupts the digestive processes of ants.
How to Use: Combine powdered sugar and baking soda in equal amounts.
Distribute the mixture throughout the kitchen, next to entryways, and along ant paths.
Ants are attracted to the sugar, but their metabolism is upset by the baking soda.

4. Moths Why It Works: Baking soda draws moths by absorbing smells and moisture.
Use: Stow sachets of baking soda with a few drops of essential oil (such as lavender) in storage boxes, drawers, or closets.
To further protect carpets from moth larvae, sprinkle them with baking soda and vacuum them a few hours later.

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5. Mice and Rats Why It Works: Rodents are killed by the gas produced by baking soda, which they are unable to expel.
How to Use: To prepare a bait, mix flour or peanut butter with baking soda.
Put tiny amounts in places where you’ve observed rodent activity, including in obscure corners or along walls.

6. Spiders
The Reason It Works Spiders are naturally repelled by baking soda.
How to Apply:
Sprinkle baking soda under furniture, in shadowy areas where spiders hide, and around the edges of rooms.
For better spider repellent, combine baking soda with a few drops of peppermint essential oil.

Extra Advice:
To keep baking soda effective, always reapply it after vacuuming or cleaning.
For more effective pest control, mix baking soda with natural deterrents like vinegar, aromatic oils, or diatomaceous earth.
Keep an eye on pest activity to see if more treatments are required.
Instead of utilizing dangerous chemicals, you can use baking soda to keep pests out of your house. It’s an easy, affordable, and organic solution!