How to use vitamin E, lemon, and Vaseline together for porcelain skin

How to use vitamin E, lemon, and Vaseline together for porcelain skin

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Written by Lesia
People with oily skin understand how hard it is to control. However, there are healing techniques that may be used with inexpensive materials that are accessible to anyone, rather than spending a lot of money on creams and treatments.

This article explains how to make a mask with vaseline, lemon, and vitamin E that will give you flawless skin that looks porcelain.

In addition to moisturizing, Vaseline forms a barrier that keeps pollutants from building up. Lemon’s astringent qualities help to remove extra oil from the skin and stop blackheads from forming. Because of its renewing and antioxidant qualities, vitamin E helps to avoid wrinkles and expression lines.


  1. 1 vitamin E capsule,
  2. 1 lemon juice,
  3. ¼ tablespoon petroleum jelly,
  4. and a clean container to make the mask.


  • In the bowl, combine the petroleum jelly and lemon juice. Once the mixture is homogenous, add the contents of the vitamin E pill and stir.
  • Never use the face mask during the day; instead, apply it at night, right before bed. Rinse with a gentle soap and lots of water after applying it to your clean face and letting it sit for ten minutes.
  • Despite being a petroleum derivative, the petroleum jelly used in cosmetics is the most refined and undergoes filtration to provide a skin-friendly, clean product.


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