Keep this recipe well because it’s like a treasure on earth

Keep this recipe well because it’s like a treasure on earth!

Table of Contents


  1. 500 milliliters of boiling water
  2. and two packets of passionfruit gelatin
  3. One packet of powdered juice concentrate with a passionfruit flavor
  4. One carton of condensed milk with added sugar
  5. One heavy cream carton
  6. Half a cup of milk powder


  • In a bowl, dissolve the gelatin in the boiling water.
  • Add the powdered milk, heavy cream, sweetened condensed milk, and powdered juice.
  • Until the mixture is smooth, whisk it thoroughly.
  • Transfer the blend to a plate and chill for approximately two hours, or until it solidifies.
  • Remove from the refrigerator and serve.

Advice: Use a blender to combine the ingredients for a creamier consistency.
Fresh fruit, such as strawberries or passionfruit pieces, can be added to the pudding.
Serve the pudding with whipped cream or caramel syrup.
How Can a Typical Recipe Be Made Nutritious and Healthful?

  • It may seem difficult to transform a typical dish into a healthy one, but there are a few easy changes you can make to make your recipes more nutrient-dense and healthful.
  • Using oats or whole wheat flour in favor of white flour is one of the first things you can do. These flours are healthier and more satisfying than white flour because they include more fiber and minerals.
  • You can use almond or skim milk in place of whole milk if the recipe calls for it. Almond milk is a lactose-free alternative for people who are intolerant, but whole milk has more calories and fat than skim milk.
  • Using natural sweeteners like honey or brown sugar in place of sugar is another easy way to cut costs. Due to their lower glycemic index and higher nutrient content, these sweeteners are healthier than pure white sugar.
  • You can use coconut oil or olive oil in place of butter or oil if the recipe calls for it. These oils are better for you since they include healthy fats.
  • You can use rice flour, almond flour, or chickpea flour for gluten-containing recipes. These gluten-free substitutes can be used in a variety of recipes in place of wheat flour.
  • Finally, a recipe can become healthier and more nutrient-dense by include more fruit and vegetables. Incorporate fresh fruit into smoothies or sweets, and experiment with adding additional veggies to soups and stews.
  • Keep in mind that you can make your favorite recipe healthier and more nourishing by making minor adjustments. To enjoy a good and nutritious lunch, try these easy replacements.
  • Have fun!
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