Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris): 20 Incredible Benefits and How to Use It

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris): 20 Incredible Benefits and How to Use It

Find Out How Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) Can Help You People have long revered mugwort, which is also known as the “dream herb,” for its amazing healing qualities. This plant is used a lot in traditional medicines because it can help with digestion, improve sleep, and boost mental health. Let’s look at the 20 best ways that mugwort can help your health and how easy it is to add to your daily life.

1. Makes digestion better Mugwort helps with digestion, which can help with bloating, heartburn, and constipation.

To use, soak 1 teaspoon of dried mugwort leaves in hot water for 10 minutes. Then, drink the tea before a meal.

2. Helps with menstrual cramps A plant called mugwort is known to help with menstrual cramps and make the period flow more easily.

How to Use: Either drink mugwort tea or put a warm cloth on your stomach that has mugwort in it.

3. Helps with mental health The relaxing effects of mugwort help relieve stress and make you feel better.

To use, either breathe in the steam from mugwort tea or put mugwort essential oil in a diffuser and use that.

4. Helps you sleep and have lucid dreams Mugwort can help you sleep better and is known for making thoughts more vivid. For best results, put some dried mugwort under your pillow or have a small cup of tea before bed.

5. Helps keep your lungs healthy Mugwort can help with coughs, asthma, and other breathing problems because it reduces inflammation.

To use, breathe in the steam from mugwort leaves that are boiling or drink mugwort tea.

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6. Helps keep the liver healthy As a liver medicine, mugwort helps the liver get rid of toxins and work properly. For best results, make mugwort tea every day or add fresh leaves to your food.

7. Takes away pain in muscles and joints Mugwort’s anti-inflammatory chemicals ease pain in muscles and joints.

To Use: Put a bandage made of crushed mugwort leaves on an area that hurts or rub it with mugwort oil.

8. Helps the immune system Mugwort makes you less likely to get sick because it is full of vitamins.

Uses: You can make tea with mugwort or add it to food as a spice

9. Good for digestive health Natural enzymes in mugwort help the body digest food and absorb nutrients.

To Use: Before a meal, take a teaspoon of mugwort extract.

10. Helps get rid of parasites In traditional medicine, mugwort is used to treat parasites.

How to Use: A herbalist will tell you to drink strong mugwort tea or take pills.

11. Keeps hormones in check Mugwort helps keep hormones in order, which can help with hormonal imbalances.

How to Use: Drink mugwort tea every day for a few weeks.

12. Helps skin stay healthy The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory features of mugwort help keep skin healthy and treat acne.

How to Use It: Use mugwort water as a toner or put oil or cream with mugwort in it on your skin.

13. Helps with migraines and headaches Headaches and migraines can be helped naturally by mugwort.

How to Use: Either breathe in mugwort steam or put on a cold cloth that has mugwort in it.

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14. Makes blood flow better Using mugwort can help your heart and blood flow stay healthy.

Use: Rub mugwort essential oil into your skin or drink mugwort tea every day.

15. Makes you hungry For people who are getting better from being sick, mugwort can help them eat more. Take a little mugwort extract before you eat.

16. It naturally keeps bugs away. Mosquitoes and other bugs stay away from mugwort because of its strong smell.

To Use: Either burn dried mugwort as incense or use mugwort oil.

17. Helps with cold and flu symptoms Mugwort can help with cold and flu symptoms because it kills viruses and germs.

How to Use: Breathe in or drink strong mugwort tea.

18. Helps you lose weight Mugwort speeds up the metabolism, which helps people control their weight.

How to Use: Before a meal, drink mugwort tea.

19. It helps wounds heal Traditionally used to help people heal, mugwort makes cuts and scars heal faster.

How to Use: Either use a poultice made of crushed mugwort leaves or oil that has mugwort in it.

20. Takes care of diabetes Mugwort might help keep blood sugar levels in check, which could help people who have diabetes.

How to Use: Talk to a doctor before drinking mugwort tea every day.