One drop on the ground will eliminate household ants in two minutes

One drop on the ground will eliminate household ants in two minutes is amazing .The methods you described for eliminating ants from your residence focus on using common household objects and natural cures, which are frequently chosen for their safety and environmental friendliness. These techniques are based on the idea that ants are repulsed by certain materials and odours, which keeps them out of your house. Here’s a summary and some additional information on the potential efficacy of various treatments:

Simple Vinegar Floor Cleaning
The Reason It Works Ants utilise scent trails to guide themselves and communicate with one another, but the potent smell of vinegar messes with these trails. Ants will have a tougher time returning to food sources if you erase these tracks.

Application: Mop your floors with a solution of white alcohol vinegar and hot water. Ants find vinegar’s pungent smell particularly repulsive.
Use caution when using vinegar on natural stone surfaces, such as marble. It can cause harm to these materials.

Making Use of Natural Juices and Essential Oils
Eucalyptus Oil: Its strong aroma helps freshen your home and keep ants away. The inherent qualities of eucalyptus oil make it a powerful deterrent.