Pierce a banana and insert lemon seeds

Pierce a banana and insert lemon seeds: THE RESULT WILL SURPRISE YOU

1. Take a few lemons and remove the seeds from inside.

2. Place the seeds in a glass of water and mix with a teaspoon.

3. Carefully clean the segments of a banana and cut them without removing the peel.

4. Make a small hole in the banana segments and insert the lemon seeds inside.

5. Fill a glass with clay soil.

6. Make a small hole in the soil and insert the banana segments with the seeds.

7. Water the container generously.

8. After 5 days, you will notice that the plants have germinated from the seeds.

9. Carefully remove the banana segments and observe how the seeds have developed.

10. Transplant the seedlings into larger pots as they grow.

11. Continue to care for your plants by making sure to water them regularly.

12. Over time, you will first see the flowers and then the first fruits.

13. When the lemons are ready, harvest them and savor your harvest. 

14. You can develop more lemon trees at any time by repeating this process.

See also  How to Purify Your Kidneys, Liver, and Pancreas Naturally with Parsley and Lemon