Potato Bread With No Yeast

Potato Bread With No Yeast: This quick and simple homemade bread recipe, called No Yeast Potato Bread, is great for deli sandwiches and more!

For Materials:

  1. Two cups of smooth, chilled mashed potatoes
  2. two eggs
  3. one and a half cups whole milk
  4. one-fourth cup vegetable oil
  5. three and a half cups flour
  6. Half a teaspoonful of baking powder
  7. One tsp of high-quality sea salt
  8. One spoonful of sugar
  9. Cooking mist


    1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Coat an 8 or 9 inch cast iron pan, glass casserole dish or round cake pan with cooking spray. Set aside.
    2. In a large mixing bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the bread hook, combine mashed potatoes and eggs until combined.
    3. Add milk and vegetable oil, blending until just combined.
    4. Sift together flour, baking powder, fine sea salt and sugar. Add to wet mixture.
    5. After dough has come together, blend or mix for an additional 1 minute.
    6. Turn dough into greased cooking vessel. Don’t push too hard, but make sure the dough is flat, not rounded on the top. Score a large “X” in the top. Give a light dusting of cooking spray to the top of the bread.
    7. Bake for 45-50 minutes. If the top starts to brown too much, loosely cover with a leaf of aluminum foil.
    8. Remove and allow to cool before turning out of the baking dish. Wait for bread to nearly cool fully before slicing.
    9. Store wrapped well at room temperature. Bread is best enjoyed within 3 days of baking.


  • For up to six months, bread can be frozen, carefully covered.
  • To make up for the extra fat, add 1 tablespoon of melted butter if you’re using skim or low-fat milk.
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