Kıyır Kıyır Sherbet Dessert Recipe

Kıyır Kıyır Sherbet Dessert Recipe

Table of Contents

  • Water Glass Size 200 ml
  • 125 g softened butter or margarine at room temperature
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tea glass of semolina ( 100 ml )
  • 1 tablespoon tahini
  • Half a glass of finely ground walnuts
  • 1 packet of vanilla ( 8gr )
  • 1 packet of baking powder ( 10 gr)
  • 1.5 cups of flour

For its sherbet:

  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 1 slice of lemon

How to Make the Perfect Minced Sherbet Dessert Recipe;

  1. Let’s add sugar and water to a suitable pot and mix. Let’s boil the sherbet over medium heat. After it boils, squeeze lemon on it and boil it for 7 minutes.
  2. Let’s wait for it to cool down.
  3. Let’s add butter, eggs, tahini, walnuts, semolina, vanilla, baking powder and flour to a suitable kneading bowl and knead a soft dough.
  4. Let’s cut walnut-sized pieces from the dough and shape them. Let’s make scratches on it with a knife.
  5. Let’s arrange our shaped dessert on the baking tray. Let’s bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. Let’s pour the warm sherbet over the hot dessert coming out of the oven.
  6. You can serve it after making the syrup.
  7. Bon appetit to those who try it.
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